Properties & Sites

No Better Choice

You’ve come to the right place! Communities are thriving and growing due to commercial real estate and development in Washington, DC including emerging neighborhoods, a high density of LEED-certified buildings and 25 Opportunity Zones, creating new opportunities for investors and business owners alike.

WDCEP can offer you support with site location assistance, local market intelligence, including information on vacancy rates, availability, and asking rents, new neighborhood projects and demographic information, as you look for your next real estate site.

Whether you’re looking to expand an existing restaurant, open a new storefront, or relocate your manufacturing facility, there is no better choice to grow your business than DC.

Data, Maps, Infographics


DC Notable Rankings and Facts

City for Net Migration of Gen Z (18-24 year olds)
Best Public Transportation System for Large Metros
Park System
City For EPA ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings
City for Women in Tech
Most Innovative State
Live-Work-Play City in the Last 10 Years

Chad Shuskey

Chief Operating Officer

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