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- DC News, Featured
Significant investments into the District of Columbia’s development, businesses, schools, and public spaces continue to drive an economic revival across the city’s diverse and unique neighborhoods. Showing promising signs of recovery from the pandemic’s impact, the District is poised to maintain its status as a vibrant business, shopping, dining, and cultural destination. Download the latest …
- Featured, WDCEP
As we step into 2025, we welcome a new administration and the promise of fresh opportunities for our great city. The Washington DC Economic Partnership remains steadfast in our commitment to inclusive economic development, ensuring that every resident can thrive in our vibrant community. Washington, DC, is a city on the rise. Our population has …
- Executive Insights, Featured
Travis Rush, the CEO of Kellen, shares insights into the company’s strategic decision to relocate its headquarters to Washington DC. This move marks a significant milestone for Kellen, a company that has long been a leader in association management and consulting. As Rush articulates, the decision was driven by a combination of factors that highlight …
- DC News, Events, Featured
On June 25th, the Washington DC Economic Partnership hosted “Washington DC: A Global Grand Slam” at Nationals Park, a unique event celebrating and welcoming foreign investors to Washington, DC as part of the SelectUSA Investment Summit. This exclusive gathering brought together international business leaders, investors, and policymakers for a behind-the-scenes tour of the stadium and …
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